Repair & Repaint Services


Got a tear? Call CFX for repair! You break ’em we fix ’em! ????????????

We know you’d never MEAN to damage the masks (#bombasticsideeye ????) but we get it, sometimes accidents happen! So never fear, the Imp and the team at CFX are here! ????

You have one of two options available to you:

Option 1: If you are experienced with repairing silicone masks, You could repair it yourself using our Repair Kit! Follow the link to purchase a kit which includes everything you need for a small to medium sized repair!

If you have any issues while repairing, STOP EVERYTHING and contact us! We are here to help.

Option 2: If you don’t feel comfortable doing a repair yourself with our Repair Kit, you could send the mask back to us and we’ll happily repair it! We offer repairs, repaints, touch-ups and general TLC on ✨ALL SILICONE MASKS✨ NOT just our own products! We love the challenge of making it look as if nothing was ever wrong! (we ask that you please send photos of the damaged mask to us before shipping it out – extensive tears may require a requote on a repair-fee).

Please fill in the form below or contact us at with clear pictures of the issue, and we will be in contact with you.

PLEASE NOTE: The initial quote will be based off of what is apparent in the pictures, and may change once the piece is inspected in person.